No Discrimination and Child Labor

No Discrimination

Discrimination by caste is a major social challenge in Nepal. Himalayan Humanity Treks is highly dedicated to avoiding discrimination, not only based on caste but on power, money and education. We wish to avoid discrimination between trekkers and Nepali staff, between guides and porters and between staff and business owners and managers.

Discrimination between trekkers and Nepali staff is a significant problem in the trekking industry. This discrimination is often economically-based, a problem that occurs often where people from developed countries choose to travel in less-developed countries.

As paying guests, Himalayan Humanity Treks provides its best services to its clients. In return, we ask that our clients do not assume that Nepali staffs have the strength of Superman, or that their relatively low wages mean that they can be “treated as slaves”. We request that all participants in the business of trekking – clients and staff alike – be treated as equal partners. Clients pay the money, to achieve their dream; our management and field crew supports the clients to achieve their dream and to look after their life.

No trekkers mean no trekking, No trek staff and porters means no trekking,
Our motto here is: “Equal, Equal and Equal.”Diversity and gender equality (how to include women and minorities)

Himalayan Humanity Treks is highly aware for the unfair distribution of resources available in the country. In the tourism sector, some people earn more than one thousand dollars per day, but some earn just enough for the food in the morning and evening. Tourism is having both positive and negative impacts on Nepal and its people.
Positive economic impacts are not equal for all. Himalayan Humanity Treks will work towards the vision of making economic and other impacts positive for all Nepali people, by providing jobs with fair wages and basic human rights standards to people from all parts of the country.

Himalayan Humanity Treks will make a focused effort to involve the women in the trekking sector. By the first year of operation, Himalayan Humanity Treks will establish a women’s group to support those who are interested in working in the trekking industry.

Child Labor

We will give high consideration to children’s rights in our work. No children (under 18) will be used as porters in our trekking operation. When selecting porters for our company, priority will be given to the parents of child porters and the child will be offered the opportunity for further education. In setting wages, we will give high consideration to survival and education needs for the porters’ families, so that their children will not be forced to work as porters. We support child porters and children at risk of being forced to work as porters in three ways:

  1. Directly supporting the child porters either for their education or any vocational training that might help them to find alternative and more appropriate work.
  2. Supporting the parents of child porters by providing jobs with standard wages and facilities by which porters can earn a sustainable income and can educate their children.
  3. Through our management and trekking staff, advocating on trekking routes and with trekking companies for an end to the use of child labor